Home Themes Artists

Susan Erickson, PH.D
Professor of Art History
University of Michigan-Dearborn

Picturing Places and Spaces

January 20 – April 1, 2022

David R. Huchthausen
American, b. 1951
Alpine Lanscape-Summer Scene
Blown glass
Gift of Bernice and Martin Marx in memory of their son Jamie, 1995.060

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David R. Huchthausen
American, b. 1951
Alpine Landscape-Winter Scene
Blown glass
Gift of Bernice and Martin Marx in memory of their son Jamie, 1995.061

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From 1977 to 1978, David Huchthausen was a Fulbright Scholar in Vienna, Austria, and he inscribed the bottom of each vessel with the name of a town southwest of Vienna, Baden bei Wien. Huchthausen must have been inspired by the forested landscapes of this area when designing these vessels. He added No. 72 / Alpine Landscape / 1977 on one, and No. 161 / 1978 on the other. Both are immediately recognizable as landscapes with tall pine trees standing before hills and mountains. White glass at the top becomes the sky in each scene.

In the summer alpine scene, trees alternate with low hills in gray and purple. Tall mountains with rounded tops stand in the distance, and their blue color suggests they are far away. In the winter alpine landscape, Huchthausen blankets the peaks and hills with snow. Branches of the pines are covered in fluffy snow too, and the crisp chill of winter is suggested. During winter, the blue sky is mottled so different from the bright mass of clouds during summer.


David Huchthausen (Artist Website). Accessed Nov. 15, 2021. http://www.huchthausen.com/mac/biography.htm.

"David Huchthausen (Biography)." Habatat Galleries Website. Accessed Nov. 15, 2021. https://www.habatatgalleries.com/artist/david-huchthausen/.

"David Huchthausen (Biography and Alpine Landscape-Baden Bei Wien #177, 1978)." Smithsonian American Art Museum. Accessed Nov. 20, 2021. https://americanart.si.edu/artist/david-huchthausen-18611/.

David R. Huchthausen. Lathrup Village, MI: Habitat Galleries, 1985. Exhibition catalogue.

David R. Huchthausen. Farmington Hills, MI: Habitat Galleries, 1993 (?). Exhibition catalogue.

Huchthausen: A Retrospective. Midland, MI: Alden B. Dow Museum of Science & Art, 2012. Exhibition catalogue.

"Studio Focus / David Huchthausen." Schantz Galleries Contemporary Glass, Stockbridge, MA, Website. Accessed Nov. 15, 2021. https://www.schantzgalleries.com/notes-from-the-directors/studio-focus-david-huchthausen.