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Susan Erickson, PH.D
Professor of Art History
University of Michigan-Dearborn

Picturing Places and Spaces

January 20 – April 1, 2022

Grant Fischer
Aquatint print on paper
Gift of Van and Kristalia Mericas, 2003.023

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This untitled print looks abstract but may refer to landforms in a mountainous area. The dark black line that winds along the base of the snow-covered peaks looks like a snaking river seen from above. The band of white at the top could be bright light at the horizon or perhaps snow. Fischer's use of aquatint produced toned areas that could be read as hills or gray clouds beyond the white area. The perspective shifts from being among the peaks to being far overhead with a bird's eye view.

Grant Fischer received his Master of Arts degree from Eastern Michigan University in 1986. He taught art at Howell High School, Michigan, and he exhibited in area galleries.