Friday, September 05, 2008
Vacation is GOOD For You (and some slight marketing for Amazon)
Greetings. After not having posted for a while, I have a number of things to discuss. So pull up a chair, grab a beverage of your choice, and let's get going, shall we?
Vacations with Brian - This photo album includes pictures of our trip to New York to see Brian's brother and nieces and nephews. I wish we could have seen more of Scott and Charles, but it was great to spend time with the kids. We tried to go see Wall-E one day, but Charlotte was scared of the explosions, and there was a fire alarm at the movie theater. Instead we we all got together for lunch and then went to the non-fire-alarm end of the mall where there was a carousel. I was satisfied after one ride, but the kids wanted to go again, this time on one of the spinning cars that are like the teacups at Disney World. Olivia is pretty strong, and spun that thing like nobody's business. When they got off, they were staggering like little drunk people. All of the children seem inordinately fond of butter. This is what happens when you eat a mostly healthy diet. That which is usually forbidden becomes irresistibly alluring.
Later in the summer, Brian's parents took us to a minor league baseball game in Midland, Michigan. We got to sit in one of the luxury boxes and were treated to hot dogs, brownies, popcorn, and drinks. It was great fun, although the Great Lakes Loooooooons were defeated by the Iowa Kernels. (Brian and I went to a Tigers game, too, but forgot to bring the camera.)
My mom also generously took us to Stratford's annual Shakespeare Festival, at which they show more than just Shakespeare. We saw Hamlet, The Music Man, and a double-bill of Krapp's Last Tape and...I've forgotten the name of the O'Neill play--oh right: Hughie. We played pool (with a lower-case "p" that rhymes with "T" which stands for...Trouble!), ate swanky foods, and shopped (which I am sure Brian and John don't enjoy all that much).
Also included are some bonus pictures of Bronner's and a shot of me looking shorter than seems possible.
Martha's Vineyard - This is one of my favorite places in the world. I have gone every year (except 1998) for the last 11 years (and have the "Black Dog" t-shirts to prove it!). I get to go due to the generosity of my friend Sarah and her parents (who built the house we stay in and let their kids each have use of the house for a week out of the summer season--Sarah routinely picks the week of her birthday, which almost always involves perfect weather and frequently coincides with the Agricultural Fair). This year we got to see fireworks for Sarah's birthday. I finally bought one of those ribbon-on-a-stick things at the toy store--I frequently get in trouble for playing with the toys at the store and figured I should finally buy one of these things. We go to the yarn store, eat fabulous sandwiches at Humphrey's, drive all over the island, spend time at the beach, go see movies, and spend more than a little time watching movies and knitting. I wish we had busted out the Wii, though. I'd still like to try it.
On my way home, I waited in the airport at my gate next to a gaggle of women who had just been to a convention for Weight Watchers employees. They talked about points and whether or not they bothered using the "activity points" they were entitled to, running discussion groups, and the importance of drinking lots of water. The lady sitting next to me went to get some food and came back with a tuna salad sandwich. She then launched into an explanation of how she initially thought the turkey sandwich would be "better" until she read the label and saw the calories and fat content of each sandwich. The turkey apparently had cheese, mayo, AND pesto--making the tuna a more diet-friendly choice. She whipped out some kind of little device for calculating her points.
I felt very odd sitting there next to women who are obsessed with and employed by the business of losing weight. I keep getting told that I need to eat more because I shouldn't be losing any more weight. Lita doesn't care what I eat--ice cream, bacon, whatever--as long as I eat.
Summer is over, the students are back on campus, and I had some exciting new technology come into my life yesterday. For work I have a shiny new MacBook Pro--I am going to install VMware and then Windows XP so that I can check my web stuff in an array of browsers and platforms. Some of the work I do that looks great in Firefox for Mac doesn't look so great on IE for Windows. I won't have to switch between machines anymore to doublecheck. W00t!
Then when I got home, Brian was so excited about the fact that my birthday present had arrived, that he wanted to give it to me right away. I am very bad at insisting that he save my presents for my actual birthday (which is in October), so I agreed it would be delightful to open it immediately.
It was a box from Amazon containing...AN AMAZON KINDLE! Wheeeeeeeeeeee! I have lots of Amazon credit built up from my associates site (which I really need to update) and have already charged that bad boy up and acquired a few books. It can also store Word or HTML documents and can play mp3s and books in Audible format. I'm so excited! The screen looks awesome. I keep accidentally hitting the "next page" bar but speed-reading is an excellent skill to develop, right? Brian is the best. I also know who else is responsible; you know who you are, and you rock also. :)
The dread of my upcoming paracentesis is not quite enough to dampen my spirits today. Whereas I do get rather upset at the prospect of being jabbed in the belly with a ginormous needle like I am some kind of Capri Sun juice pouch, I have fun toys to come home to, Brian's supportive (and extremely comforting) presence, and the prospect of at least feeling better when the ordeal is over. This is not a procedure I will ever enjoy. Before the last one I had something of a hysterical melt-down and have permission to partake of an extra dose of the Xanax. My liver functions and tumor counts seem to be improving, so it's possible I might be able to have fewer of these taps--or at least spread them out more. I wish I didn't have to do them at all, but I suppose the alternative (exploding like that guy at the end of Monty Python's The Meaning of Life) isn't any better.
Vacations with Brian - This photo album includes pictures of our trip to New York to see Brian's brother and nieces and nephews. I wish we could have seen more of Scott and Charles, but it was great to spend time with the kids. We tried to go see Wall-E one day, but Charlotte was scared of the explosions, and there was a fire alarm at the movie theater. Instead we we all got together for lunch and then went to the non-fire-alarm end of the mall where there was a carousel. I was satisfied after one ride, but the kids wanted to go again, this time on one of the spinning cars that are like the teacups at Disney World. Olivia is pretty strong, and spun that thing like nobody's business. When they got off, they were staggering like little drunk people. All of the children seem inordinately fond of butter. This is what happens when you eat a mostly healthy diet. That which is usually forbidden becomes irresistibly alluring.
Later in the summer, Brian's parents took us to a minor league baseball game in Midland, Michigan. We got to sit in one of the luxury boxes and were treated to hot dogs, brownies, popcorn, and drinks. It was great fun, although the Great Lakes Loooooooons were defeated by the Iowa Kernels. (Brian and I went to a Tigers game, too, but forgot to bring the camera.)
My mom also generously took us to Stratford's annual Shakespeare Festival, at which they show more than just Shakespeare. We saw Hamlet, The Music Man, and a double-bill of Krapp's Last Tape and...I've forgotten the name of the O'Neill play--oh right: Hughie. We played pool (with a lower-case "p" that rhymes with "T" which stands for...Trouble!), ate swanky foods, and shopped (which I am sure Brian and John don't enjoy all that much).
Also included are some bonus pictures of Bronner's and a shot of me looking shorter than seems possible.
Martha's Vineyard - This is one of my favorite places in the world. I have gone every year (except 1998) for the last 11 years (and have the "Black Dog" t-shirts to prove it!). I get to go due to the generosity of my friend Sarah and her parents (who built the house we stay in and let their kids each have use of the house for a week out of the summer season--Sarah routinely picks the week of her birthday, which almost always involves perfect weather and frequently coincides with the Agricultural Fair). This year we got to see fireworks for Sarah's birthday. I finally bought one of those ribbon-on-a-stick things at the toy store--I frequently get in trouble for playing with the toys at the store and figured I should finally buy one of these things. We go to the yarn store, eat fabulous sandwiches at Humphrey's, drive all over the island, spend time at the beach, go see movies, and spend more than a little time watching movies and knitting. I wish we had busted out the Wii, though. I'd still like to try it.
On my way home, I waited in the airport at my gate next to a gaggle of women who had just been to a convention for Weight Watchers employees. They talked about points and whether or not they bothered using the "activity points" they were entitled to, running discussion groups, and the importance of drinking lots of water. The lady sitting next to me went to get some food and came back with a tuna salad sandwich. She then launched into an explanation of how she initially thought the turkey sandwich would be "better" until she read the label and saw the calories and fat content of each sandwich. The turkey apparently had cheese, mayo, AND pesto--making the tuna a more diet-friendly choice. She whipped out some kind of little device for calculating her points.
I felt very odd sitting there next to women who are obsessed with and employed by the business of losing weight. I keep getting told that I need to eat more because I shouldn't be losing any more weight. Lita doesn't care what I eat--ice cream, bacon, whatever--as long as I eat.
Summer is over, the students are back on campus, and I had some exciting new technology come into my life yesterday. For work I have a shiny new MacBook Pro--I am going to install VMware and then Windows XP so that I can check my web stuff in an array of browsers and platforms. Some of the work I do that looks great in Firefox for Mac doesn't look so great on IE for Windows. I won't have to switch between machines anymore to doublecheck. W00t!
Then when I got home, Brian was so excited about the fact that my birthday present had arrived, that he wanted to give it to me right away. I am very bad at insisting that he save my presents for my actual birthday (which is in October), so I agreed it would be delightful to open it immediately.
It was a box from Amazon containing...AN AMAZON KINDLE! Wheeeeeeeeeeee! I have lots of Amazon credit built up from my associates site (which I really need to update) and have already charged that bad boy up and acquired a few books. It can also store Word or HTML documents and can play mp3s and books in Audible format. I'm so excited! The screen looks awesome. I keep accidentally hitting the "next page" bar but speed-reading is an excellent skill to develop, right? Brian is the best. I also know who else is responsible; you know who you are, and you rock also. :)

Labels: Brian, John, Lita, liver, Martha's Vineyard, mom, paracentesis, vacation
Sounds like you had a fantastic vacation! Yeah, I get how obsessive calorie-counting can seem so silly when placed into perspective!
You were in Stratford?? I wish I'd known - I'm in Waterloo, about a 40min drive away and I would have loved to have met you.
Some other time, eh?
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Some other time, eh?