Sunday, May 04, 2008

I Wore Plastic Underpants to my Husband's Graduation

I hope nobody noticed. The package claims that they are "discreet" but they seemed awfully lumpy and crinkly to me. So I dug out a skirt that is rather too big and tried to wear tops that would cover up any unusual bulging.

Luckily, it rained. So my mom went and got herself a green Wayne State umbrella, and me a clear plastic "reusable" poncho. I was glad of the poncho because I figured it would disguise any crinkly noises.

My mom and I got there pretty early, and were herded to the walker-not-wheelchair area. Yes, the handicapped people were being segregated from each other. It rained off and on, but the array of colorful umbrellas was actually pretty festive. As were the escaped mylar balloons, which, when I first saw one, I was convinced was either a flying rubber raft or a UFO.

I've been ruined forever by science fiction.

We nearly sat through the entire ceremony, but lost fortitude as the last of the people were crossing the stage to get their faux rolled-up diplomas. They won't actually send the nice certificates until later. But it doesn't matter. I am so proud of Brian and of what he has accomplished.

Navigating the regulations of the LIS degree and having to negotiate with the head of the program to be allowed to continue (due to time issues), working full time, taking care of a sick wife who was hospitalized many times during his academic travails, and just managing to get the actual academic work done...I don't know that he believed he could do it...but I did. I know what kind of man he is, even if he isn't sure himself.

I am particularly haunted by a ghost who isn't mine. There is a person in Brian's past who chose to throw her own life away, who was so mired in despair that she couldn't imagine anyone else's success. She told him he would fail when he said he was going to Detroit to be in the LIS program.

This has tormented me. When Brian and I met, it was partly the fact that I was a librian and he was in library school that brought us together--we didn't actually have that much in common at the time.... When I got very sick the first time with my broken hip, it was his impulse to quit school, quit work, and do nothing but spend all day, every day, taking care of me.

I didn't want that. I wanted Brian to continue, to do what's best for him and to silence that voice that haunted me, that I never heard, that I was only ever told about afterwards.

"You won't succeed."


My Husband, Brian James Elkins, on the day of Saturday, May 3, 2008 did receive his Master's Degree in Library Information Science from Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, while his wife, Janet Lee Elkins sat in the audience whooping with joy, wearing plastic underpants.

This is Brian's accomplishment, not mine, but I feel vindicated and I don't mind telling that stupid ghostly voice: "toldja so."

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Congratulations! Both to Brian, who finished school, and you, Janet, for being around to go to his graduation.

I've missed you lately and I'm glad to see you post. I hope you're doing ok, whether you're wearing Depends or not :)
I second that congratulations, to both of you!
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