Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Reports of my Demise, Blah Blah Blah

Ok, so I was wrong about the doom and gloom and my chemo seems to be doing what it's supposed to. My tumor markers are holding steady. My scans seem to indicate that my bones are mostly stable (the bone scan shows possible increased "uptake" but the scan itself doesn't show the disease, it shows the disease being attacked--they call this a "flare effect" and is not cause for panic) and the tumors in my liver are reduced both in size and number (one went from 7cm to 4.5cm). I have some tiny spots in my lungs that don't appear to be doing anything, and there may or may not be some pleural thickening--the CT slices do not necessarily exactly line up from scan to scan, which is possibly why sometimes the couple of lung spots show up and sometimes they don't.

The Mini-Doom

The puzzling thing is why, given the reduction in size and number of my liver blobs, are my liver function tests not improved? The analysis states that my liver is irregular in shape, possibly due to carrying around multiple blobs of unholy cell mutantage, or it could be consistent with cirrhosis.


Also, my spleen is about three times bigger than it should be, which would not be inconsistent with a liver that's having a tough time. No wonder I feel bloaty. I asked Dr. Hayes, "How big should my spleen BE?" He held up his fist to demonstrate. My spleen is currently 14cm, so I'm walking around with the equivalent of having eaten two large apples at all times in my belly, not to mention the extra mass in my liver. They are testing to rule out hepatitis. If it's not that, I don't know what else they can do. Maybe there's a crucial blockage somewhere. They might refer me to a liver specialist.

Brian and I went to a lecture last night about treating cancer that has metastasized to the liver, and I left feeling very bummed because I have too much cancer for any of the treatments to be considered viable. What else is a liver specialist going to be able to do for me?

The Annoyance

Also, no news on the back pain. I am to try taking ibuprofen and to avoid hopping on the trapeze.

Finally, the morning ickiness is probably due to GERD and Lita says I can increase my prilosec and/or keep soda crackers to pop in the morning if I'm feeling not quite right.

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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A Familiar Problem "Rears" Its Ugly Head

I thought my news to report would be about scan results. It was getting time to post something; no fewer than four individual people (not including Brian) contacted me wanting to know how my scans went.

The bone scan was the same as last time, one blobule in the liver might be larger. The chest scan shows two teensy nodules which may be new, or may have been missed by previous scans. This past Tuesday it was decided that I would switch chemotherapies.

This past Tuesday was NOT my usual day to see Lita and Dr. Hayes. The reason I went in on what would have been a day at work, is that over the weekend I started experiencing rear-endal discomfort. Again. This time it was decidedly odd; it felt like my muscles were spasming and just couldn't relax. Oh, and last Thursday at work I peed a blood clot. And again on Sunday. Then Monday night my butt issues became decidedly even more uncomfortable, despite the ibuprofen and the sitz baths.

So Lita asked me to come in to be poked and prodded.

At the appointment (which was at noon), we decided to switch up chemotherapies because it looks like Abraxane just isn't working any more. (A year is not at all a bad run with a chemotherapy drug, so this isn't terrible.) I was offered the choice of Xeloda, which is chemo in pill form--and is purported to not cause hair loss--or Adriamycin, one of the ol' standbys for treating breast cancer, which has a ghastly reputation although Lita claims the side effects aren't that bad given how they will treat me.

I thought about it, and had eyebrows--glorious eyebrows!--briefly in my grasp. I asked for Xeloda. Then Dr. Hayes reconsidered based on the mouth sores Xeloda can cause; such sores can occur at the other end, too, and in light of my recurring discomfort, he doesn't want me to have it.

Then they asked me to go to the emergency room for further evaluation, since ailments of the behind are out of their realm of expertise. Brian and I went to lunch then went back to the ER to go to the hospital.

First we sat in a waiting room for a while. Then they came and took several vials of blood and wanted a urine sample. Then we went and sat in the combined patient/visitor waiting room for a couple of hours. Then I was called and they took us to a room where I changed into a gown. Then the fun began. Periodically technicians would come to take my vitals; I always have to explain the blood pressure issue (right forearm only). I got very thirsty and was not allowed water, although eventually somebody brought me a small cup of ice chips. A doctor came and got detailed information, then, after conferring with Lita, decided more cultures were needed so they would know what kind of exams they could do. So somebody came to access my port and get more blood--those were some of the biggest honkin' vials I've ever seen. Somebody also came with lidocaine gel, which should help soothe the discomfort and not have the icky effects I had with the last tube of cream the ER people gave me (nitroglycerin). After deciding my neutrophil count was too low, the doctor decided on a CT scan, but told me the barium wouldn't be necessary. I gave her two big thumbs up and decided I could bear the agony of the iodine contrast since there was to be no barfium! Woohoo!

About an hour later, a nurse walked in shaking a bottle of barium.

I cried.

Then someone came to try to insert an IV for the contrast. Tried, failed, and had to go get someone else. The man who came next pored over my arm for a while, and concluded he couldn't find a vein, so would have to call someone who has an ultrasound machine that helps find veins. About an hour (and a bottle of barium later) the new technician came by and when informed that I had a port, told me the ultrasound method was best for finding deep veins in the location where my port is, so wouldn't work for me. She did the painful tapping thing on my arm and was able to find a vein in my hand, so I finally got my IV.

In the meantime, the doctor came by again. By this time it was about 9p.m. She explained to me that the barium was necessary after all--or so she had been convinced by the radiologist--because otherwise if there was an abscess (I was pretty sure I didn't have one of THOSE), it wouldn't show up as distinct from any liquid contents of the bowels. She also informed me that since they wanted to be sure the barium had gone all the way through, I'd have to wait until after having a bowel movement before they could do the scan.

"Usually that happens about 3-4 hours after patients drink the barium preparation."

It wasn't enough that I, a patient in the ER with an observed fissure, was going to have to deal with the unpleasant aftereffects of barium knowing it was going to hurt like a mofo coming out, but finding out I was going to be at the hospital until the ridiculously wee hours was the final straw. I had a 9a.m. meeting scheduled for Wednesday. This couldn't be happening.

So we waited. My stomach burbled. We watched tv. Brian went to get himself a candy bar. Finally the nurse came and told me I'd have to provide another urine sample. I suspect it was a ruse to get me to the bathroom, but I can't be sure. In any case, the barium (painfully) did its work, and I got sent for the CT scan.

When the scan was over, the doctor came back to the room and told me her shift ended hours ago and that she was going home, but that I would have to wait 45 more minutes for the CT scan results.

"I can see you're upset," she said. "I can't blame you."

She could SEE I was upset because I had a nasty expression on my face and was a seething pile of misery and impotent rage. If my hand had not been impaired by an IV and my butt hadn't felt so bad, I would have launched out of the bed and throttled her.

She said she had explained my situation to her colleague, had left a prescription for a larger tube of gel, and that she was sorry I had to be there so late.

You and me both, lady.

The other doctor came by with the scan results when I had gotten up to go use the restroom again. I made sure to slam the door as loudly as I could and looked for supplies to pilfer.

There was no abscess. I know my doctors want to do the responsible thing and fully investigate things that could implode in my innards and kill me, but I am not submitting to this kind of marathon-ER thing again. I should have walked out when the barium walked in. We spent over twelve F*cking hours at the ER, and came away with "nope, no abscess" and a damn tube of gel. It was past two when we got home. And because of the lovely effects of drinking two bottles of stuff that insists on leaving your body in the most unpleasant way possible, I was not in bed until about 3:30.

I was so tired and disoriented when I got up this morning at 7 (I needed time to get ready for the day of work I absolutely could not miss--and I actually did make it in time. I deserve a medal) that when I staggered into the bathroom first thing to pee, I got very confused about a sensation of numbness when wiping myself that I just couldn't account for at first.

Until I noticed that I hadn't actually managed to pull down my underwear.

I hate the f*cking ER.

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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Best Toystore in the World and Why I Didn't Need Shrinkydinks After All

(Skip the vacation filler and proceed directly to the payoff.)

I opted, instead, to purchase a paint 'n' peel window decal kit, which consists of two black tubes of outline paint, and an assortment of translucent fill-in colors. The kit allows you to make your own "stained glass" style window decorations, which can be reused, as long as you store them on plastic sheets or keep them from accidentally folding up as they are impossible to unfold. (Alas, my poor butterfly decal decided to curl up and return to beeing a cocoon.)

The Toy Box is the best toy store I've ever been to. Each year on my vacation to Martha's Vineyard with my friend and college roommate Sarah and her roommate (and also my friend) Danielle, we make a point of stoping at this store to see what they have and possibly buy cool stuff. Last year I got a pirate hat and some hair beads. Sadly, I can't currently use the hair beads, but the pirate hat is good for any occasion, ARRRRR!

Around every corner there are neat and creative things. The rooms are irregularly shaped, the store is lacking in aisles, the passageways are cramped and overflowing, but everywhere there is something just begging to be picked up and tried out. Many of the doodads for sale have open samples that can be whirled, squeezed, prodded, flung, and generally examined. This store sells Breyer Horses, which is my personal litmus test for what makes a "good" toy store. It also has a fantastic costume collection, which makes me sad that I'm too big to fit the ballerina outfits and that it is no longer socially acceptable for me to go trick-or-treating.

There are all manner of games, including really cool ones that are unavailable at most chain toy stores. The stuffed animal selection was small, but mighty. There was this really great collection of woodland creatures that came in varying sizes and had plush stumps you could purchase to store your happy animals in. There were three different sizes of stumps and a beaver home, for each different size of stuffed animal--including a tiny stump with one hole and a carrying strap so you can carry around your favorite teeny critter. There was a three-hole stump so that three of your buddies could be carried at once together. The larger, vertical stumps did not have carrying straps that I could see, but for all I know they had backpack straps, or something. Too cute.

Anyway, just around the corner from those (and the wee hand-knitted finger puppets) were the craft supplies. I decided we needed to invest in some sort of craft to do, and was sorely tempted by the shrinkydink book. It had pages of blank shrinkydink medium so that you could trace patterns or design your own. Sadly, it did not come with suitable colored pencils or markers, and I didn't really want to buy colored pencils when I've got several hundred colored pencils at home.

Then I spotted the window peel-and-stick decal book, which fascinated me. I opted for a replacement kit, which included instructions, and the three of us proceeded to make colorful stained-glasslike window decals including a couple of snakes (inspired by the rollicking, if not exactly good, Snakes on a Plane), a bunch of grapes, a mermaid, and more.

I also had fun on my vacation going to the beach, visiting stores, going to Chicama Vineyards for a tour, eating mondo sandwiches from Humphreys, and generally tooling around the island in Sarah's very intrepid Hyundai. I got very sunburned at Longpoint beach despite repeated applications of sunscreen and learned that any number of my medications make me more susceptible to sunburn and that I probably should have kept my legs covered. I'm still itchy.

When I got home from the airport, Brian had a stuffed pug waiting for me in the car, and anniversary balloons and a card in celebration of our six-month anniversary. In a way I can't believe it's been that long, although in some ways it seems like so much has happened in the past year that we've packed several years in the space of one.

(The Payoff.)

I had an appointment with Dr. Hayes the Tuesday after I got back . These appointments have been very early, but I opt not to go to work on those days since I generally feel wiped out by the infusion (and probably also by getting up so damn early). Lita gave me the results of the CT and Bone scans, which Dr. Hayes reiterated when he came into the room. Both showed no new metastatic lesions, woohoo! The bone scan showed that there were improvements to the lower spine, a rear portion of one of the lower ribs (it did not say whether it was right or left), and the illiac joint, presumably in my right hip which was where the trouble all began. The CT scan showed that the lungs are improving and that the tumors in my liver (which, oddly, has continued to function normally this whole time) have shrunk to half the size. I was never told that the largest of the tumors had reached seven centimeters; Lita and Dr. Hayes only reassured me that the liver was functioning completely normally. Now that the largest of the tumors is down to three centimeters, I guess it's ok to let me know.

Brian knew about the alarming tumor size, but concealed it from me as well. This may explain some of his panic at my condition. I'm not sure how I feel about having medical things purposefully concealed from me, but I guess dwelling on the tumor sizes in an organ that's doing otherwise just fine is somewhat worrying about nothing. Livers are weird and very resilient, luckily for me.

Dr. Hayes then mentioned that if things continue to go the way they are going, I might want to consider taking a break from the chemotherapy. He said that some people who are doing relatively well and tolerating the treatments choose to stay on it. Those who choose to take a break from the chemo may have a reoccurrence of tumor activity, but when they start up the therapy again, this usually clears up quickly. Statistically there is no difference in the overall prognosis of both groups. For those few people who do not respond well when going back onto the chemotherapy, it's usually because they were starting to get worse before going on the break. Naturally Dr. Hayes does what he can to avoid this. In any case, I potentially have the choice before me and I'm not sure what to do.

Taking a "break" is frightening. I'm terrified more than anything else of getting brain mets, and what's to stop it from happening if I'm not being treated? Also, the last time I was on a break--granted, it was a year and a half long and I wasn't being closely monitored during that time--things went very badly for me and I ended up in a hospital bed with a badly fractured pelvis and one of the worst cases of gastritis Lita says she has ever seen.

On the other hand, I am sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. It often occurs to me that I will get to think about cancer every day for the rest of my life, which is not a happy thought. Maybe it would be nice to skip the infusions for now and just keep up with regular blood tests. Maybe I would feel less tired. Maybe the hot flashes would subside. Maybe I can spend some time growing my hair. (There seem to be a higher proportion of little stubbly greys on my head than there have ever been before, particularly on the left side, for some reason...I used to have only one or two. I don't know if growing my hair will actually make me happy; it might just make me feel old.)

Anyway, the next day I looked at the printed reports which included not only what Lita and Dr. Hayes had already gone through, but also had the latest blood test results. These include all kinds of baffling numbers about my blood chemistry, but also indicate the results of two specific tests of tumor markers in my blood. I don't have the actual reports in front of me, but when I saw the numbers and compared them to my last cumulative report, I had to rub my eyes and wonder if the decimal point was in the wrong place. On one of the tests I have gone from a high of 255 (in May, I think) to roughly around 150 for the previous test, and then the latest test shows the number 16.5. Normal is either 3 for non-smokers, or 5 for smokers.

I am amazed. I seem to be doing unbelievably well. My tumor counts are down, and my actual tumors are shrinking.

I didn't need to buy shrinkydinks after all because I'm carrying some around with me everywhere I go, albeit icky ones that nobody really wants to look at.

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