Everyone has a Story!
The students, staff and faculty at the University of Michigan - Dearborn reflect exciting diversity in backgrounds, life experiences, human perspectives, and passions. Each individual has a unique story to tell. The purpose of the Living Library is to foster personal connections across campus as we promote and celebrate our diversity.
When: Wednesday, March 20, 2019, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Where: Berkowitz Gallery, 3rd floor, Mardigian Library
Sponsors: Mardigian Library and Student Government
2019 Living Bookshelf
As a Living Reader, simply peruse our list of Living Books, make a selection, and enjoy a unique conversation with a UM-Dearborn student, staff or faculty member. No need to pre-register, just drop by! Light refreshments provided.
Talent Gateway Challenges
CHALLENGE: I am a Living Book (1,000 points)
Apply to be a Living Book and share your story in short conversations with others at the Mardigian Library's Living Library event.
After you have participated in this event, reflect on the questions below:
CHALLENGE: Conversing Across the Living Library (750 points)
Drop by the Mardigian Library's Living Library event and as a Living Reader, browse the collection, select a Living Book to connect with, and enjoy a 15-minute conversation that you never would have had anywhere else. Ask questions, explore differences, breakdown stereotypes and misconceptions, learn, and share.
After participating in the event, reflect on these questions:
Currently enrolled students and currently employed faculty and staff are eligible for a free digital subscription to the New York Times (NYT) (some limitations apply) and Wall Street Journal (WSJ).
Access requires creation of accounts for each site. Full details and setup instructions are available on the New York Times and Wall Street Journal setup pages.