Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Red Tide: or, Why I shouldn't have thrown out my tampons

No, this is not the Janet's Blog version of "a very special episode of [insert name of family sitcom here]."

The dry, winter air, combined perhaps with regularly being infused with Avastin (which can cause such side effects) has resulted in some fairly predictable nosebleeds. I learned from She's the Man that tampons are good for absorbing those unexpected nasal flows--or at least that was Amanda Bynes' justification for having them in her bag when she was supposed to be a boy.

Walking around with a rolled up cylinder of toilet paper in my nostril this morning (also last night), it suddenly occurred to me that I could have used my remaining box of Tampax Pearl to help my current situation, and it's a sad waste that I threw them out. Rolling up little wads of toilet paper is ok, but the toilet paper dissolves easily and then I'm left with dissolved bits of toilet paper clinging to my nostril and upper lip once the flow is staunched.

Brian has valiantly searched, but the humidifier--which got packed away for moving--eludes him. I have been using a nasal gel called "Ayr," but it can only reach so far. My cracked, Saharalike sinuses will not be soothed by half-measures and see fit to regularly release the red sea.


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So tampons do have another use. To stop nose bleeds. I've heard of them being used to stop leeks in boats and more. Now what about menopause and such? Is there a double use for the drugs and profducts for treating menopause?
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