Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Fleas My Has, that's not it....

Anybody remember that Far Side cartoon? Sadly, I cannot link to any panels without causing Mr. Larson distress and loss of royalties, or something.

Baxter is no longer allowed to play with the neighbor's fleabag. We will be going to the vet Saturday for vaccinations and a flea treatment. Man, I hate those things. Skippy never has fleas. I only ever noticed one flea on my dog, Tribble, and if any dog was likely to be able to harbor vermin, it would have been that one (hairball). Brian claims to have not noticed anything amiss. Since Baxter's new thing is to sit on the back of the sofa above my head (he likes to lick my bald scalp, which makes me worry about what will happen when I have follicularly challenged guests), I am rightfully concerned about this.

Baxter has also successfully managed to go down the stairs several times on his own. He will occasionally forget that he has done so, and will cry at the top of the stairs. This is both good and bad. It is good because carrying him down the stairs is perilous since he tends to be rather...squirmy. It is bad because the more independence he has, the more areas have to be manually blocked to keep him from running amok and destroying things. Puppies are not to be trusted. I dread the day he tries the basement stairs on his own. So much stuff to be destroyed...I think we are going to need some more baby gates.

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Sprinkle Kosher salt on your carpet and vacuum to kill fleas in a non toxic manner.
Or start a flea circus.
We have containment. The flea final solution is being realized.
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