Friday, October 26, 2007

Feelin' Footloose and Fancy Free

Since switching from Abraxane to Adriamycin, I have had more energy. Sure, the digestive issues have been bad, but eliminating one of the anti-nausea medications helped (we replaced the intravenous Aloxi with Zofran pills that can be taken as-needed) and I think I have it under control.

I walk faster. I noticed it the other day when I was heading down the back hallway at work. For months I've been sort of shambling around like one of the extras in Shaun of the Dead--and now I'm almost walking normally. I tilt to the side because my legs are different lengths, but concentrating a little keeps me from bumping into walls.

I have grocery shopped and cooked meals. Brian is amazed. Shrimp boil and crabcakes. Stuffed peppers. Black bean soup. Chicken or bean enchiladas. I'm actually planning to make risotto this weekend, so help me.

It doesn't stop there: I've been hanging pictures on the walls, assembling electronics, clearing clutter, sorting mail, straightening bathrooms, and catching up on some reading. I've been very talkative and have not felt the need to go to sleep early. What is with this crazy activity level? Is this how I was when I was "normal"?

I feel great.

I sure hope the new chemotherapy drug is actually working. It would suck to feel so terrific only to have to switch immediately to something else.

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Welcome back!
That's great, Janet! I can't believe you're feeling so good on Adria! I fear that red devil more than anything. No nausea??
I had some mild queasiness twice, but I have Zofran for that. They really load me up with the anti-nausea meds the day of...I begged to have the medications adjusted on account of the horrible bloating and backed-up-ness, and really haven't noticed a difference (except for less horrific constipation).

I'm also told that I'm on a dose that is about 1/3 of what someone would get for a primary breast cancer.

I sure hope it's doing its thing. This having energy thing completely rocks.
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