Sunday, January 06, 2008

The Gloom and Doom Post

It's not really "gloom and doom" but it is uncharacteristically non-optimistic.

My back pain has continued past the time of undue stress. Instead of feeling like a muscle got pulled on the right from wrestling with a 20 pound puppy who doesn't want his feet wiped off, or a stress spasm on the left from having too much to do and too little time, this goes down the center of my back right below the shoulder blades. I start out the day just fine, but in the evening the effort of holding myself upright takes its toll and I have to lie down.

I totally have no expertise in reading a bone scan, but at my scan on Thursday I imagined that my spine was more "lit up" than usual. I rather expect Dr. Hayes (or Lita, since the man is busy and may be at some conference or other) to tell me I am to be switched to another type of chemo.

If not, I need to ask why not. I'm just not convinced this one is working. Which is a shame, really, since except for the back pain (and some heartburny-type issues for which I am taking prilosec) I feel pretty good. Well, except for feeling routinely overheated in the mornings before my alarm goes off, and feeling somewhat icky before sitting up--it usually clears up after I'm upright for a while.

Maybe I'm just gearing up to expect the worst so that when I get to my appointment I will be pleasantly surprised that my tumor markers are holding steady and the back pain is likely to be from the exertion of physical therapy.

I doubt it.

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