Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Maddening Itch

The dermatologist called yesterday morning to assure me that another one of the tests confirms my diagnosis of shingles. She asked me if I had seen any "improvement" in the five or so lesions.

Yes, they have "improved" impressively: I now have what looks almost like a port wine stain wrapping around the left half of my neck, along my jaw, behind and inside my ear.

The itch is driving me to distraction. I can't scratch it, because it hurts. She called in a prescription for a topical ointment that has done squat, as far as I can tell. I get extremely temporary relief from calamine lotion, but I can't wear that stuff out and about. My clothing is uncomfortable. I get to think about the itch frequently at night as I deal with decadron-induced insomnia.

I will continue taking the stupid giant anti-viral pills, but it seems I have to mostly wait for this thing to run its course and be miserable. In the meantime, I am told to avoid being around pregnant women and babies.

There were lots of babies at Ikea on Sunday.

Chicken pox! Getcher chicken pox here!

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It may not help you any at all, but the only thing that ever relieved extreme itch for me was ice. I think it probably just numbed my skin, but it let me fall asleep. And the pool of water when I woke up? I just slept with a towel nearby.Bactine helps sunburn, but I'll bet that won't do squat or you've been given something "better." It burns when it goes on, too, but it's a spray.
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