Monday, June 11, 2007

Another Day, Another Speech Impediment

I have traded my braces for retainers, which feel equally confining, if less pointy and jabby. My reasons for halting the orthodontic treatment early make me not quite as thrilled as I would normally be to have unfettered teeth (at least teeth unfettered by bits of metal actually glued to them), but I will be happy enough to be able to enjoy ribs and corn on the cob. I am even looking forward to eating apples, which gives me at least one thing in common with Captain Barbossa.

I am to wear the retainers every day and all night, except when eating or brushing my teeth. It will be nice to be able to floss normally again. I have two rather large gaps on the top from where I had teeth extracted; these gaps have steadfastly refused to close (due, I believe to my treatment with Zometa), so I have thrown in the orthodontic towel and now will enjoy an entirely new difficulty in speaking intelligibly.

I hope I will be able to play my flute again, at least. I realize I will need a good deal of practice, but at least now pursing my lips in the appropriate manner won't actually hurt.

I will never be as good a whistler as I once was, and that wasn't very good, either.

Right now talking is the real challenge, compounded by the fact that I am suffering the ill effects of some virus or other which was enough to knock me flat on my back for a few days, miss a round of mini-golf with my mom, and actually request my Neupogen shots, which I usually weasel out of taking. The lower retainer pushes my tongue upwards, and the upper retainer takes up half of my mouth.

Proteethius Unbound: and nobody can understand a damn word I'm saying.

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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

June 11, 2007: Proteethius Unbound

They need to take impressions for retainers and remove the braces at appointments that are one week apart from each other. Since Mondays in May are rather spoken for, I will have to wait until June 4th to have the impressions made, and June 11th to have the bands taken off.

I plan to go to Famous Dave's for ribs and corn on the cob. Anyone care to join?

Also, I saw the dermatologist yesterday, who agreed that the first batch of creams was insufficient ("You should be way more dried out than that"), so I now have a cream that combines an antibiotic with 5% benzoyl peroxide, and a cream that is a stronger retinoid than the one I've been using. I am to use the antibiotic cream all over my face and scalp twice daily, and the retinoid at night only on my face.

They were doing "patient appreciation" at the dermatologist's office (the lab area was doing a bingo promotion for must be Wacky Activity Week at the hospital, or something), and I was invited by the checkin lady to help myself to some snacks and goodies. They had fun size candies, cookies, donuts, coffee, bottled water, and fruit. So help me, I really wanted an apple, but I will have to wait for that. I was then asked to fill out a "patient satisfaction" survey. Sure, bribe us with cookies THEN ask us how happy we are...devious. My cookies were pretty good, though. I was satisfied.

At my infusion, I discovered that my Decadron dose has been cut in half. I feel pretty good today, so hopefully will not have horrific symptoms and nausea. Brian called me at the appointment and brought carryout from Wendy's to my infusion. The nurses all got jealous and were wistful about the Wendy's at the hospital being closed down.

Baxter was a little spastic when we got home, but settled down eventually. He did an awesomely clever housetraining thing: he pulled his wee pad out of the crate downstairs, and then peed on THAT instead of on the carpet. (We had taken him out recently, but I guess when you gotta go, you gotta go.) We have a genius puppy! Now if only we could convey to him that chewing on hands/feet/wires/curtains/furniture is a bad idea. We should have named him Proteethius.

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Saturday, April 21, 2007

I should probably also mention...

My CT scan results came back showing improvement. Since there was still some concern about why my liver counts were off, I had to wait until the blood test results were back on Tuesday before going to the infusion area.

It took hours.

It was possible that the Abraxane had ceased to be effective or was causing the liver problems, in which case Dr. Hayes mentioned having me participate in a research study that involves two chemo medications taken orally.

Whereas I wouldn't mind being able to take pills, the prospect of having to move on to the next chemotherapy drug did not make me happy. There's a limited number of chemo drugs available, and I have to hope that production of new effective medications (to which I am not allergic) outpaces my disease.

Anyway, the numbers came down so I went to go be infused as normal.

I did discuss with Lita the possibility of reducing my dosage of decadron, but in the mean time am using Prescriptives foundation to at least look better. I have concluded that the acne creams are not doing squat and will need to have words with the dermatologist about it on Tuesday. Monday I am going to have words with the orthodontist, so hopefully soon I will be able to floss and eat corn on the cob.

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Monday, March 19, 2007

Superchains AND Powerchains

...And some Elsevier articles that really have me convinced that the braces are a bad plan.

I know the orthodontist doesn't believe I've been wearing rubber bands because my teeth are not moving. Today he had the assistant put "superchains" on the left side (with the largest gap) underneath the wire, and then a "powerchain" all the way across the brackets on my top teeth from port to prow to starboard. My mouth feels uncomfortably tight and this cannot possibly be good. I've been looking at some journal articles today, and one showed a couple of case studies of people on bisphosphonates who, even though they did experience some very slow tooth movement (one lady had braces for 30 months instead of the projected 18-24), it was mostly from tooth tipping, and not because the roots were actually moving.

I need to ask to have these things taken off. I will be disappointed to have gaps left in my teeth, but at least they look better than they did before they reached this level of straightening. Maybe at some point I will be off the Zometa long enough for dental work of this kind to make sense (maybe...but doubtful: bisphosphonates have a very long half-life and I'm sure Lita/Dr. Hayes won't just take me off Zometa), but right now I think it's a lot of pain and anguish for negligible (or poor) results, with added risk of osteonecrosis.

Do I wait until my next orthodontist appointment? Should I ask Lita about this again next Tuesday? I don't really know how to bring this up with the orthodontist. I gave him Lita's number; I'm not sure he ever called. I'm not sure he's up on his research about this issue. I'm not sure he wants to hear a patient talking about "the literature." Maybe I should just go in and demand to have retainers because I'm done.

I really wanted my teeth fixed. Oh well.

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Second Verse, Mercifully NOT the Same as the First

The second infusion in this round of treatment did not result in dire gastrointestinal symptoms lasting for days. I suspected this would be the case when Brian started exhibiting the same symptoms I'd had (he's never been squeamish about taking care of me and has not ever shown signs of "sympathy pains") later in the week.

I felt a little bad about it--I didn't want to rejoice that he was feeling so crummy, but on the other hand,

w00t! Influenza! so much for my flu shot

Thank all that is holy. I feel fine today.

There is no word yet on what to do about my braces. I did have an orthodontic appointment Monday, at which I shared my concern about my teeth on Zometa with the orthodontist. He has not seen me very long (my original orthodontist moved to California), and has no basis for comparison regarding the movement of my teeth. He's not personally familiar with Zometa, so I gave him Lita's contact information. She's not personally familiar with braces. I don't know that they are going to be able to come to any conclusions and suspect it will be a matter of observation and slow decision-making. I am to return in four weeks and have "superchains" on my teeth right now rather than the usual "powerchains." I wonder if there is such a thing as "superdooperchains" or not. I might need them.

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Thursday, January 18, 2007

Bisphosphonates and braces

It seems that the very mechanism by which orthodontic braces work is what bisphosphonates like Zometa interfere with. What is a very good thing in areas like my hip and vertebrae is not so good in an area where you want bone to be regularly reabsorbed. This is one of the contributing factors to osteonecrosis of the jaw. This is not to say I think I will get osteonecrosis, but it could explain why my teeth do not seem to be moving.

It might be worth having a conversation with the orthodontist about whether there's any point in continuing orthodontic treatment. I'm very bummed about this. I have gaps that will probably never close. The good news is that at least my teeth were pulled before I started Zometa.

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Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Today I started my holiday from Abraxane. I will continue with Zometa and Avastin, but the idea is that I'm currently doing so well that taking a break from chemo will do no harm. This will also enable everybody to see if just the Zometa and Avastin combination will keep things at bay.

If not (I am monitored with blood tests, and Dr. Hayes will order scans if warranted), I will obviously continue with Abraxane. However, eventually I will develop tingling and numbness in my extremities, and the drug may stop working for me. At which point there are other drugs to choose from, but I'm not sad about delaying the inevitable.

I'm also not sad to not spend the later part of this week--the Thanksgiving Holiday--feeling icky and like I have the flu. Woohoo!

I am a little bit sad that my braces were adjusted yesterday. I feel the pain. I hope my teef recover by Thursday.

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Saturday, November 11, 2006

Mostly Better

I should probably state that the bus ride is over. I'm feeling mostly better.

I still have lots of congestion and am on some antibiotics and have also been extremely tired. I don't think the antibiotics I pleaded for last Tuesday are working well (let's just say that today I asked Brian to buy some cranberry juice in my desperation) and will try to call tomorrow.

My left eye itches and I feel a little achey. The apartment is too cold. My right hand is a little bit chafed and my left thumb is somewhat crushed from trying to knit with squeaky chenille.

My hair is stupid and I have acne. My right hip is giving me some twinges and I can't remember when I last changed the fentanyl patch.

My lower back is sore. I've been feeling some tightness under my left breast and naturally worry about it. I keep having to sneeze and the wires in my braces are getting too long and poke into the sides of my cheeks.

But I can't complain.

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