Wednesday, February 07, 2007


For a while I've been marking cancerversaries. November 5: my surgery date. November 3: second bone scan and confirmation of metastatic disease. December: hospital stay. I don't think I will be able to forget and keep from feeling unease when late fall rolls around again, but a new marker of passing time is coming up.

February 25 will be Brian and my first wedding anniversary. I confess that when we got married, I was not entirely convinced that I would be seeing an anniversary, but I am thrilled and relieved to comment that my notion of impending doom was silly and that we will be seeing many more anniversaries.

February 14 will be my first Valentine's Day as a married person. April 13 is the anniversary of our first date (at La Shish...Brian rode his Harley for optimum impact). Spring is considered to be a time of renewal and rebirth. Usually this is represented by bunnies, tulips, and Cadbury eggs. I represent it by throwing off the shackles of my wheelchair, walker, and Fentanyl patches, and by celebrating what is good instead of being mired in what's miserable.

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