Get Started @ the Mardigian Library
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Get Started @ The Mardigian Library

  • Get Connected

    Access your library account. Here you are able to view:

    • Checked out items
    • Hold statuses
    • Outstanding fines
    • Upcoming due dates

    Once you are logged in, you will also be able to access the library's online journals, databases, and other electronic resources from off-campus.

    Academic Access to New York Times and Wall Street Journal
    Currently enrolled students and currently employed faculty and staff are eligible for a free digital subscription to the New York Times (NYT) (some limitations apply) and Wall Street Journal (WSJ). Access requires creation of accounts for each site. Full details and setup instructions are available on the New York Times and Wall Street Journal setup pages.

  • Begin Research
    • What are scholarly (peer-reviewed) sources?
      • Your professors will often ask you to find scholarly (or peer-reviewed) articles. This means that the journal article has gone through a quality-control process called peer review. Just what is peer review? Watch this short video to find out.
    • How can I get help with my research?
      • The Mardigian Library has librarians representing all subject areas taught at UM-Dearborn. No matter the topic of your paper or project, a librarian is available to help you with your research. Go to our Find Our Librarians page to find the appropriate librarian for your research - and their contact information.
    • How do I develop my research topic?
      • When you are starting your paper or project, you need to pick a topic. As this video shows, picking a topic is the start of your research.

    For a list of all the ways our librarians can help your research, please see our Research Assistance page!
  • Find Resources
    • From the Library Search Box on our home page, you are able to search most all the resources available to you through the Mardigian Library.
    • What if the library doesn't have a resource I need?
      • First, check the UM Ann Arbor catalog and use Get This, to request books and other media from UM-Ann Arbor and UM-Flint to be delivered to the Mardigian Library.
      • Second, try MeLCAT, the Michigan eLibrary, a 24/7 online library for Michigan residents. MelCAT allows you to order books, audio books, music, movies, and other materials and have them delivered to the Mardigian Library.
      • Third, use Interlibrary Loan (ILL) to find books, dissertations, microforms, or periodical articles.
  • Explore our Spaces
    • Silent Zone
      • Absolute quiet, noise-free study. Please turn your cell phone to silent.
      • Go to the 4th floor.
    • Quiet Zone
      • Quiet talking is allowed. Please set your phone to vibrate.
      • Go to the 3rd floor
    • Social Zone
      • Talking is fine, collaborative project space.
      • Go to the 1st or 2nd floor

Did you know?

  • Newspaper Subscriptions
  • Currently enrolled students and currently employed faculty and staff are eligible for a free digital subscription to the New York Times (NYT) (some limitations apply) and Wall Street Journal (WSJ).

  • Access requires creation of accounts for each site. Full details and setup instructions are available on the New York Times and Wall Street Journal setup pages.