Due to the winter storm, the library will open today, February 13th, at 11 a.m. More information is available on the campus website.
Finding & Borrowing Items from the Mardigian
The Mardigian has both physical and digital resources that are available to our borrowers. Many of these resources can be found using Mardigian Search, while others are located in specific places on the library website. Follow the instructions and tips below to locate and borrow the items you need.
Using Mardigian Search
Mardigian Search allows you to search much of the library's collection from a single place, including physical books, ebooks, journal articles, and many of our streaming videos. This tool can be found on the library home page, and at the top of pages throughout the library website.
You can use this tool in different ways:
Once you have found an item that you are interested in, click on the title for more information. For digital resources, including ebooks, journal articles, and streaming video, this will take you directly to the resource. Clicking on a physical item will show more information about how to locate and pick-up the item.
Locating & Borrowing Physical Items
You can identify where the book can be found by looking at the "Location," then using the item's call number to find it on the shelf. Most of the library's books are located on the 3rd and 4th floors, but there are also items on the 1st and 2nd floors as well. Match the listed location to the Library Floor Plan to know which shelves to check for your item.
Not sure how to use the call number, or having trouble finding the item? Just ask at the Library Info Desk, and they can help you out.
You can also place a hold on most items in the library's physical collection. This will reserve the item for you (or if someone else has it, will place a reservation for when the item is returned). Learn more about placing and picking up holds here: Placing a Hold
When you are ready to borrow the items, bring them to the Library Info Desk, located on the first floor of the library, along with your MCard.
Library staff will check out your items, along with any held items that are ready for you. Due dates may be different from item to item -- you can check these by going to your library account. More information about due dates can be found here: Loan Periods
Locating & Borrowing Course Reserves
Sometimes, course instructors place specific items on reserve for students to use, including books, textbooks, handouts, DVDs, and other items. Course Reserves are located at the Library Info Desk, and are typically more limited in how long they can be borrowed, and may be limited to in-library use only. You can learn more about the different types of reserves here: Loan Periods
To see if your course has items on reserve, you will need to know your course number (for example: MATH 455 or PHIL 240) or your instructor's last name. Use the Search Course Reserves tool, then click on the course (or instructor name, depending on which you searched). This will show any item(s) that are on reserve, whether they are available or currently checked out, and how long they can be checked out for.
You can check out available reserves at the Library Info Desk with your MCard. Course reserves may only be checked out by current UM-Dearborn students, faculty and staff.
Questions? Reach out through any of our contact options.
Currently enrolled students and currently employed faculty and staff are eligible for a free digital subscription to the New York Times (NYT) (some limitations apply) and Wall Street Journal (WSJ).
Access requires creation of accounts for each site. Full details and setup instructions are available on the New York Times and Wall Street Journal setup pages.