Wednesday, February 20, 2008

If a Janet Falls...Again...

Earlier today (I still insist it's "Tuesday" because I have not yet slept through the night to wake up on Wednesday...ignore the time stamp behind the curtain, people) I went out to walk Baxter.

I was feeling pretty good and had just completed an excellent day with my mom doing some retail therapy to get supplies for knitting some awesome stuff. I tripped, and after stumbling a few feet, totally unable to get my toes back under me, I went over like old-growth timber. I actually made an effort to land not on my hands and knees, but to distribute my weight. I feel pretty fortunate that I was wearing a very cushiony full coat and thick mittens.

I scraped my knee, slapped my left hand on the ground just too hard, ruined my boot, and was very frightened (the last time I fell I broke my hip and was in agony for months afterwards). As I lay there, stunned, Baxter tried to help me by licking my face and a lady in an SUV pulled up to ask if I were ok. It takes me a while to get up from the ground because my legs are quite weak, but I finally staggered to my feet and offered her a "thumbs up" and said I was fine.

My hands have been shaking.

The troubling things are these: the walkway was totally dry. What if I fell because my brain seized, and not because I actually tripped? What if it happens again? What if the falling jarred my brain in some way and moved my lesions around? I have appointments with various brain-people this week; I need to be sure to tell them about the incident.

Brian is now very worried and keeps asking if I "broke" something.

At least now I have an opportunity to use one of my bacon bandaids.

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No more falling! Stop it right now! I know those bacon bandaids are cool and all, but Enough!
Just put the bandaids on for the heck of it!
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