Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Xeloda a Bust: now we try Gemzar

My appointments today ran rather longer than expected. The nutritionist gave me lots of sample protein supplement drinks and mixes, gave me a folder filled with nutrition information, suggested small, multiple meals per day (I think I'm going to have to make myself a schedule) and told me exactly how many calories and how much protein I should be getting to not lose any more weight.

It's a lot more than I expected.

She also gave me advice about dealing with the horrible taste in my mouth. Lemon things seem to be pretty good.

Of course, with the change in chemos, I might not have the same appetite problems, although I do see "loss of appetite" on the list of Gemzar side-effects. I shall try not to psych myself into having the side-effects that are listed. Brian is at the grocery store and asked me about whether I'd want ingredients to make one of the smoothies. I do not want smoothies...I wish I did; it would be fairly easy to put them together. Oh well.

I got very nervous when Dr. Hayes mentioned that 5% of people taking Gemzar develop pneumonia. How lucky am I feeling now?

Also, tomorrow I am to have an ultrasound, and if there is a pocket of liquid in my belly, they'll stick a big ol' giant needle into me, push in a plastic "straw" and let the fluid drain out like I'm a maple tree. Later this month I'm having a brain MRI to get a new "baseline" and check up on how my noggin is doing.

Busy month!

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I believe that you might just be my new favorite person. Love your sense of humor. Love your heart!
"dorcasanna" from YSC
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